PROJECT: Infinity Book
Welcome to my portfolio page for CS2103T AY 2017/2018 Sem 2 project - Infinity Book.
1. Overview
Infinity Book is a desktop application that provides Tech recruiters end-to-end support, from searching for candidates,to adding job postings and saving their resumes and interviews.
2. Summary of contributions
Code contributed: [Functional code] [Test code]_
2.1. Major enhancement: added the interview management.
Motivation: Interviewing is one of the important steps in recruiting process. HR may need a tool to manage interview efficiently.
What it does: allows the user to add the interview relevant command which are add interview command, find interview command, listing interview command.
Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing model, ui, and storage.
2.2. Minor enhancement: added the view command.
Motivation: The HR may want to find more details information of specific candidates. The view command helps HR with this problem.
What it does: allows user to view a specific person by email ID and display the linked page of the person.
Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.
2.3. Other contributions:
2.3.1. Project management:
Managed releases
on GitHub -
Managed milestones on GitHub.
3. Contributions to the User Guide
3.1. Viewing a person: view
Description: viewing the person records and linking page locating by emailID
view EmailID

Returns the person whose email is
Displays all the person’s information and resume in the browser panel.
If there are two persons with same email, the viewcommand will render URL of the first person |
When a person has no linked page, it will display black board in the browser panel. |
3.2. Managing Interview
This section describes command available for managing interview in the Infinity Book.
3.2.1. Add Interview Command
Description: Add a Interview to Infinity Book.
addInterview i/Interview Title n/Interviewee l/LOCATION d/DATE
addInterview i/SE Interview n/John l/One North d/30.1.2018

Add the interview with predicate name, location, and date
Displays the added interview in list of Interview panel.
3.2.2. List Interview
Description: List all interviews of Infinity Book.

3.2.3. Delete Interview
Description: Remove an interview from Infinity Book using the index from latest listing.
deleteInterview INDEX
deleteInterview 1

4. Contributions to the Developer Guide
4.1. Display relevant Github or resume page. (Since v1.3)
As a candidate may have linked online resume or github page. The recruiter may want to consider these pages.
4.1.1. Design Considerations
Aspect: Aspects: Implementation of removing/adding a linked page.
Alternative 1:(current choice) Each person has a page, which is resume or github.
Add the view command to view a specific person, and view the linked page on the browser panel.
Pros: The page can be linked to the person, and it is easier to view by person’s email
Cons: Need to modify current implementation of person model
Alternative 2: Add a new command to view specific page, which is hard code URL.
Pros: No need to modify current person
Cons: Hard to maintain the hard code URL
4.1.2. Implementation details
class will extract emails ID from user input, form a predicate, then pass it toViewCommand
class. -
will take in the predicate and update the list of Persons by email ID, and change the browser panel accordingly. source, java]
public class EmailFilter implements Predicate<Person> { private final String email; public EmailFilter (Email email) { = email.toString(); } @Override public boolean test(Person person) { return person.getEmail().toString().equals(; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other == this // short circuit if same object || (other instanceof EmailFilter // instanceof handles nulls && other).email)); // state check } }
4.2. Interview Management [Since v1.5rc]
Interviewing is one of the important steps in recruiting process. HR may need a tool to manage interview efficiently. The Infinity Book will need interview model with basic features including adding interview, listing interview, and deleting interview.
Model Component:

Storage Component:

4.2.1. Adding an interview
The recruiter may want to conduct an interview with candidates, and maintain an interview lists.
Aspects: Implementation of removing/add interview with candidates.
Alternative 1: (current choice): Add a new model interview including many
sub fields such as Date, Location, List of Questions.
Pros: It is easier to implement other commands such as find Interview, delete
Interview, add questions.
Cons: It takes time to create new model.
Alternative 2: Add a new field interview to each candidates and maintain
according to each candidates.
Pros: It is easier to implement.
Cons: It is difficult to search specific interview effectively.
Current implementation details
class will extract interview title, interviewee name, date, and interview location from user input, form a new interview, then pass it toAddInterviewCommand
class. -
will take in the interview and call add new interview to storage in model management.

public synchronized void addInterview(Interview interview) throws DuplicateInterviewException {
4.2.2. List interview
The recruiter may want to take a look at all of the interviews.
Aspects: Implementation of listing all the interviews.
Alternative 1: (current choice) create a new command to listing all the interview.
Pros: It is easier to use and modify.
Cons: New command is needed.
Alternative 2: each candidate has been linked to an interview, listing all the
interview when listing all candidates.
Pros: No need to create new command, just need to edit current list comamnd
Cons: It increases coupling and it is harder to implement.
Current implementation details
class will parse the commandlistInterview
from CLI and call ListInterviewCommand. -
will call updateFilteredList in model and list all the interviews in storage.

public void updateFilteredInterviewList(Predicate<Interview> predicate) {
4.2.3. Deleting Interview
After conducted interview, the HR may want to delete the interview from the Infinity Book.
Aspects: Implementation of deleting an interview:
Alternative 1: (current choice) create deleting command for deleting interview by index
Pros: It can be easily to use follow the index of listing interview command
Cons: It requires users to use two commands
Alternative 2: create deleting command for deleting interview by name.
Pros: It requires addtional tools to match interview
Cons: It is easier for user to use.

Current implementation details
class will extract the index of the interview needed to be deleted and pass in toDeleteInterviewCommand
. -
will take in the index and update the interview list accordingly.
public synchronized void deleteInterview(Interview target) throws InterviewNotFoundException {